Beverly Harris was a beautiful, committed, dedicated, loving, outstanding and supportive Rotarian of the Rotary Club of La Place in Rotary International District 6840, Rotary International Zones 30 and 31 and Rotary International Worldwide. Beverly became a member of the RCOL on June 25, 2002. She was a Rotarian for nearly 19 years. She recruited past, present and future members to the RCOL. She was beautiful and loving to Rotary, the RCOL People of Action (Rotarians) and to people everywhere, everyday. Beverly passed away peacefully on March 31, 2021 in Atlanta, Georgia. Beverly was a RCOL Past President, Board Member, Organizer, Educator, Membership Recruiter, yearly supporter of RCOL Awards, Fundraisers, ESJH Interact Club, Recognitions, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) and Scholarships to the St. John The Baptist Parish High School Seniors. There is so much that can be said as we thank Beverly Harris for her daily "Service Above Self" to people everywhere. Beverly, and all of the Rotarians in the RI District 6840 who passed away in the Rotary Calendar Years of 2019 and 2020, were remembered in the RI District 6840 Memorial Service at 6:00 AM on Saturday Morning May 22, 2021 in Gulfport, Mississippi Centennial Plaza. Past President Gordon Taylor attended the service and did the second reading from Mahatma Gandhi. "Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the one who serves nor the served, but all pleasures and possessions pale into nothingness before service which is rendered in a spirit of joy". "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others". Beverly was a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary Foundation and Polio Plus Contributor throughout her Rotarian years.
We, the People of Action (Rotarians) and everyone whose life was touched with the many acts of random kindness (ARK) by Beverly Harris, appreciate, celebrate, honor and remember the many contributions to her Family, the Church, Educators, Students, Employees, Rotary, Rotarians and People everywhere through out her wonderful life.
Thank you for being the inspiration to everyone, everyday with your beautiful smile!

You will continue to be remembered in our hearts and minds for the rest of our lives. Keep on keeping on in Heaven! See you later!
Respectfully and sincerely yours
Rotary Club of La Place (RCOL) Rotarians
Rotary International (RI) District 6840 Rotarians
Rotary International (RI) Globally/Worldwide