Officers Elected for 2017-2018 Rotary Year
The officers for the Rotary Club of LaPlace 2017-2018 Year were elected at the Annual Business Meeting on November 15, 2016. Please congratulate the new officers and give them your support as they prepare to take office officially on July 1, 2017.
The newly elected officers are:
Term: July 1, 2017-June 30,2018
President: Robbie Tomeny
· Presides over club meetings, board meetings, guides the club with new ideas, etc.
Vice-President: Raj Pannu,
· Presides over meetings when the President is unavailable. Assists the President with club tasks.
President-Elect: Poonam Oberoi,
· (President for 2018-19)
Secretary: Betty Martin,
· Records minutes of board meetings, distributes minutes and reports, keeps attendance, etc.
Treasurer: Gordon Taylor,
· Collects funds, makes deposits, writes reports to board and members of status of funds, etc.
Sgt. at Arms: Lucien Gauff,
· Keeps order during meetings, collects fines
Board Member (Elect 2): Anita Dabon
Damon Davis
· Guides club by making decisions at board meetings
Past President: Harry Glidden