District Governor Kathie Short visited the Rotary Club of LaPlace at the regular meeting on October 3, 2017. Prior to the meeting she met with the Board to review programs and planning for the year. Pictured are Treasurer Gordon Taylor, Secretary Betty Martin, DG Kathie Short, President Robbie Tomeny, Vice President Raj Pannu, President Elect Poonam Oberoi, Past President Harry Glidden, and Director Damon Davis.
During the visit District Governor Kathie was presented with $300 in quarters in support of Ending Polio as well as a towel embroidered with the words "End Polio Now." Shown in the picture are President Robbie Tomeny, DG Kathie, and Treasurer Gordon Taylor.
District Governor Kathie Short was also presented with a Welcome basket from St John Parish. Shown in the picture are Rotarian and St John Economic Director Jerry Jones, DG Kathie, and President Robbie Tomeny.