2016-2017 Officers Installed
2016-2017 Board of Directors l to R: Harry Glidden, President; Raj Pannu, President Elect; Melanie Basile, Past President; Eliana DeFrancesch, Secretary; Robbie Tomeny, Treasurer; Poonam Oberoi, Director; Cheryl Millet, Vice President; Anita Dabon, Director. Not Present was Damon Davis, Sgt at Arms.
The Rotary Club of LaPlace held it's annual installation banquet on June 28, 2016, at the Quality Inn of LaPlace. Brian Hall, Rotary Past District Governor, served as guest speaker and installing officer. Robbie Tomeny was recognized as Rotary Rookie of the Year. Harry Glidden was recognized as Rotarian of the Year. The Delton Arceneaux Citizen of the Year Award was presented to Steve Montz of LaPlace. The annual Stephanie Wilking Outstanding Youth Award was presented to Alex Watkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watkins of LaPlace. The Club also presented Paul Harris Fellowships to incoming president Harry Glidden and outgoing president Melanie Basile in recognition of their service to Rotary during the past year.